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How does society affect our mental health?

Actualizado: 3 feb 2020

Written by: Loretta Veiga

Mental health refers to our emotional well being. According to Medical News Today “Mental health can affect daily life, relationships, and even physical health.” As we can see. Based on the definition and facts mental health is as important as our physical health. But why if people go to the doctor to check their physical health why not goin g to the psychologist too?

Our mental health can be affected by so many things such as a traumatic event or any substance abuse. Traumatic events can vary depending on the person. It can be a type of school bullying when they where little and affecting them all their lives or watching how a friend or family dies in their arms. A dream can also start affecting your mental health since you can dream on a school shooting and you can start being worried all the time.

Theres a new Netflix series called spinning out. The series is about an ice skater who has a mentally ill breast and forces her to make a very difficult jump. The ice skater fails in the attempt and decays. The head injury leads her to have bipolarity since a part of the brain was affected in the fall and she remains in trauma and is afraid to jump again.

Depression is the most popular mental disorder in the world. According to the world health organization depression affects around 300 million of people the majority of them being women. A big problem with high depression levels is that it often leads to suicide. If people don’t treat their mental illnesses they could end up seriously harmed.

In conclusion people shoudn’t be ashamed of having a mental illness since it is totally normal. People should go treat themselves so they can be cured. People that don't have a mental disorder should still go have treatment since this way they can prevent anything bad from happening to them.

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